Sunday Morning Schedules
8:00 am Holy Eucharist (HE) or Morning Prayer (MP) in Sanctuary- (spoken, no music)
9:15 am Sunday school
10:30 am Holy Eucharist in Sanctuary (& on FB @smmepiscopal) - (with instrumentation & hymns)
Coffee Hour in Parish Hall follows 10:30 Service, (w/Snacks or 4th Sunday Pot Luck) All welcome!
Wednesday Night Schedules:
Book Study at 5:45pm (Parish Hall, remote available), typically on alternate Wednesdays. See calendar below for dates.
Healing Services with Holy Eucharist (H+H.E.) or Evening Prayer at 7:00pm (Sanctuary & FB) every first and third Wednesday. Check calendar for other Wednesday night worship as schedules may change. The regular 5:45 PM Book Study led by Fr. Pappas on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays will continue after the beginning of the new year. Until then, the Studies and discussion will focus on in class readings and discussions which require no advance preparation. Please come join us in the parish hall or request link to for remote participation.
- To accomodate worshipers' schedules, 10:30am Sunday and 7pm Wednesday evening services are both livestreamed and posted for later viewing to the StMM Facebook page, @smmepiscopal.
- Hymns are from The Hymnal 1982: according to the use of the Episcopal Church and most may be found online at
- Sunday and Daily readings are from the Lectionary Page.
- Each Sunday, Prelude begins 5 minutes before the start of the service, with service following the ringing of the Church Bell at the stated Service time.
Other meetings are shown on Church calendar below: