Updates and Announcements
- Pledge letters have been mailed. If you did not receive or reply to your letter, please prayerfully consider your response in how you can be an active part of the church, not just with pledges of funds, but also with service! Pledges can be accepted ay any time!
- Regular Weekly Holy Eucharist continues at both 8:00 (no singing or music) and 10:30 (with hymns) Sunday mornings and at 7 Wednesday evenings. A Coffee hour or Potluck in the Parish Hall follows each 10:30 Service. If you are local, please join us in tbe Sanctuary for Sunday or Wednesday services. If that is not possible or convenient, please join us on FB @smmepiscopal where the 10:30 Sunday and 7:00PM Wednesday services are livestreamed and posted.
- Third Sundays between services, at 9:15 the Episcopal Church Women (ECW) hold their regular meetings in the Parish Hall. All female communicants are welcome to participate each month. Contact the church for the Zoom link if you need to participate remotely.
- At 9:00 AM Episcopal Church Men (ECM) meet alternate Tuesdays for a no-agenda fellowship meeting.
- Please remember the Rector's Discretionary Fund, collected monthly on first Sunday to support whose seeking assistance from the Parish.
- Third Sunday plate offerings are designated for Good Samaritan along with Macaroni & Cheese mix and canned Fruit donations which can be left in basket in hall outside church office.
- 7:00PM Wednesday H.E. w/Healing Prayer (or occasionally Evening Prayer) livestreams to StMM's FaceBook. In person participation is always welcome. Check calendar to verify dates.
- Please sign up for your Altar Flowers donations for 2024 on the chart posted on the bulletin board outside the kitchen. Thanks to all who donate!
- Weekly Altar Flower donations are posted in the Bulletin when available.
- Fr. Jim Pappas and Fr. Bruce McMullin currently are serving as primary supply priests as a replacement is found for Fr. Patrick Soule who served as Priest-in-Charge June 1, 2021 thru December 31, 2023.
- If parishioner visits are needed, please call the church office.
- The ECW is working with Hands of Mercy in multiple areas to assist in helping those in need. Monetary donations are welcomed as donations of needed items.
Fruit Snacks, Snack-size Chips, Jell-O cups, and Pudding Cups. Check with ECW for opportunities to make a difference.
- Parishioners and visitors are encouraged to attend services in person or participate online.
- Sunday/Daily Lectionary readings can be found online at The Lectionary Page.
- As an alternative to donating at a service, you mail your donation directly to the church at St. Mary Magdalene, Attn: Treas., PO Box 150, Fayetteville, TN 37334, or you can use your own banking institution’s online Bill Pay (which typically charges no fees either to you or the church). Please designate as for Pledge, plate, flowers, Rector's Discretionary Fund, Hands of Mercy, Good Sam, etc., as appropriate
- 7:00 PM Wednesday Evening Prayer livestreams to StMM’s FaceBook page from the St.MM Sanctuary. See Calendar.
- Regular Vestry Meetings are shown on the church calendar posted on this web page and are open to parishioners interested in attending. Please contact any vestry member for more information.
- Announcements are sent out to SMM parishioners by email, phone or post. If you are not receiving the parish phone updates or email updates and wish to do so, or if you are interested in becoming a member of the parish, call the church office and leave a message with your Name, phone number and current email address.
- St. Mary Magdalene is priviledged to support Hands of Mercy and Good Sam(aritan). You may donate directly to either charitable group or bringing donations to the church.
- Good Sam donations
- Macaroni and cheese
- Canned fruit
- Hands of Mercy Donations
- Various items to meet needs. Prior support has included Individual Snack Items for Weekend lunches for children or personal hygene items for the homeless.
- Monetary gifts are graciously accepted as well by and for either.
- Checks can be made either to Good Sam or to St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church and designation included on memo line. If you prefer to use direct deposit, please mark Memo line appropriately.
- Good Sam donations
- Rector’s Discretionary Fund: Your donations continue to aid those requesting additional assistance with food, housing, utilities, etc. For pledges/donations, please use direct bank deposit or mail checks to: Treasurer, St. Mary Magdalene EC, PO 150, Fayetteville, TN 37334. The plate offering on the first Sunday along with your designated gifts supports this fund.
- Thank you for your gifts of time, talent, goods, or funds!